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cream cat


Is the end of science mysticism?

  1. There are many believers in metaphysics, and I believe that the number of this group will not decrease. No matter how much science develops and explains everything people want to know now, there will always be new unknown boundaries, so metaphysics will not die.

  2. In fact, metaphysics is not useless. After many bosses become successful, they always feel the need for some metaphysics to feel at ease. There is nothing wrong with this. They hire feng shui masters, set up formations, and if it can make people more confident in their careers, then the money is not wasted. Or believe in Buddhism, gods, or anything else. If it can make people awe-inspiring mysterious powers and do more good deeds, it is not a bad thing.

  3. Metaphysics is an attempt by people to explain or predict things without complete induction or strict empirical basis. Its role is often not really to do things right, but to have a psychological impact on people. So if you used to believe in it, I won't make you stop believing. You should study it carefully. The deeper you study, the more useful you will find it. At this time, if you do some positive things, it will have a positive impact on your psychology and make it easier to accomplish things. But if you are skeptical, metaphysics is actually difficult to bring you positive gains. I will explain the reason to you so that you don't have to worry about how to "decode" like a "master" when you encounter negative events in the future, which will only increase the probability of messing things up.

  4. In fact, whether in China or in any other land, there is almost always a history of metaphysics. And the path of metaphysics is almost the same. At first, it was some things that sounded absurd to modern people, such as tapping ashes into water to cure diseases, eating something red to accelerate blood production, or burning grass to predict good or bad luck. Later, it became a little more "serious," but it still sounded plausible and didn't make people feel like they were rubbing their intelligence on the ground.

  5. Why does metaphysics need to progress? Because science is progressing. It can be said that if the theories, empirical evidence, and tools in science do not continue to progress, we would still believe in the set of beliefs from thousands of years ago. Every time science unveils a layer of the world's veil, metaphysics has to come up with something new because obviously the old "unknown" becomes known. People realize that their previous way of thinking was wrong, so if they don't come up with something new, it won't work. Do you still believe in thunder gods and lightning mothers? Do you still believe that lightning strikes bad people? You don't believe it. Why don't you believe it? Because when both sides provide explanations, you will definitely believe the one with more evidence, right? So what science devours is actually the territory of metaphysics, but the reason metaphysics will not die is that science always has boundaries, and beyond those boundaries is its new territory.

  6. In the past, everyone thought it was impossible for computers to defeat humans in Go because Go contains the oldest human wisdom. Everyone thought Go was a view of life and that it required a lifetime of practice, embodying the "Dao" of how to conduct oneself. It is an art, and machines have no overall view and do not understand art. How can they defeat humans on complex matters that cannot be exhausted? But with the emergence of AlphaGo, it directly crushed Lee Sedol, revealing that there is no art in Go. It's just that your computing power is not enough to think of it as an art. At the same time, as the widely circulated saying goes: the intersection of AI and humans is very short. You see that it hasn't changed for a long time because it is still far from us. Once it gets close to us, there is only one moment of intersection-that moment when Lee Sedol won against AlphaGo. Since then, humans have no idea what level AI has reached. Yes, it can't even achieve the difference in perception levels.

  7. AlphaGo does not follow our chess rules and all of our "tricks" and "traps," no matter how cleverly designed, are useless. Those so-called "tricks" that only work when the opponent is unaware are full of loopholes in the eyes of AI, and they can easily be cracked with a simple move. It turns out that these "arts" are just self-indulgence exclusive to humans with low cognition and computing power. The way to crack the Zhonglong chess game is to actively seek death, which is unlikely for human wisdom. What humans can do is to be like Xuzhu, who knows nothing. But in the eyes of AI, there is no difference between seeking survival and seeking death. They are all ordinary moves. The same goes for light skills and internal skills. No matter how exquisite your skills are, try them out and you will know. Everyone should stop boasting and practice is the only criterion for testing the truth. No matter how high you jump, you will never jump higher than an Olympic champion; no matter how well you can float on water, you will never float better than a parkour expert. All the rumors about Qiu Qianren will eventually be exposed as fake. We now know how the human body works, how the "soul" emerges from algorithms, and we also know that the moon is full of craters, with no Chang'e or Wu Gang there.

  8. Some people say that the end of science is metaphysics. In fact, the original saying is "the end of science is theology." The rumor originated from Einstein, but Einstein denied saying this. Einstein explicitly opposed the anthropomorphization of God. Newton turned to theology in his later years because in his time, he could not find a better explanation for the "first mover" problem, and at that time, religion and politics were not separate. Newton's later pursuit of fame and fortune and his defense of religious rule were also understandable. But we all know that these issues have been resolved. If Newton lived in this era, he would not turn to theology. The end of science is certainly not metaphysics because science has no end. And the territory of metaphysics is precisely those areas that have not yet been illuminated by science. In those areas, you can believe in metaphysics as long as it brings positive spiritual gains. But in those areas that have already been illuminated by science, we should try to be realistic, otherwise, we will only harm ourselves. A simple example, which group has a longer average lifespan, Tibetans or Shanghainese? Without exaggeration, there can be a difference of 20 years. Is it due to the environment or the air? Neither. It's a problem with the brain.

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